Sunday, September 26, 2010

Day 1 - Brisbane to Gayndah

Traveled 376 kilometres today averaging 60 km/hour (which isn't bad considering this leg involved city traffic and the bike only goes at 70 kmh flat out).

Leaving Brissie was great! A huge postie snake weaving through the city. Some great twisty roads along the edge of Somerset Dam and a couple of hours of unsealed road too.

Made it to Gayndah for beers, socialising, tea and bed.

More to come.


Dad Trivia: Gayndah is famous for the Ompax spatuloides

1 comment:

  1. Tristan -I've been to Gayndah twice now and it is not famus for its ohmypax spatula - it is famus for Mandarins and Mandarins only!
